Author Archives: Esposos Misioneros

Sampling of purity. Reflection for married couples. Luke 6:39-45


From the Gospel according to Luke

Luke 6:39-45

Jesus told his disciples a parable,

“Can a blind person guide a blind person?

Will not both fall into a pit?

No disciple is superior to the teacher;

but when fully trained,

every disciple will be like his teacher.

Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye,

but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?

How can you say to your brother,

‘Brother, let me remove that splinter in your eye,’

when you do not even notice the wooden beam in your own eye?

You hypocrite! Remove the wooden beam from your eye first;

then you will see clearly

to remove the splinter in your brother’s eye.

“A good tree does not bear rotten fruit,

nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit.

For every tree is known by its own fruit.

For people do not pick figs from thornbushes,

nor do they gather grapes from brambles.

A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good,

but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil;

for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.”

The word of the Lord


Sampling of purity

What we say to each other as spouses is a good sample of the purity or impurity of our hearts and, consequently, the quality of our love. There is no possible deception there. I contemplate how I speak to my spouse and what I say, and whether I complain about him/her or if I bless God at all times for my spouse. Then, perhaps, I will have a contrite and humbled heart.


Applied to married life:

Jaime: I think I am too quick to judge you harshly. What should I do?

Lorena: Ask for forgiveness for the times you tried to remove the thread from my eye without noticing the stick in your own eye. I have learned that there is nothing more serious than the pride of believing that someone has the right to judge others. So, I also ask for your forgiveness because I have spoken badly to you many times and judged you in my heart.   

Jaime: I forgive you, and I also ask for forgiveness for my pride.

Lorena: Well, what you just did is already an act of humility. I am proud to have you as my husband.

Jaime: I am also proud to have you as my wife. There is no one better.



How many things are still in our hearts that should not be defiling it. Praise be to the Lord who purifies it.

Are we capable? Reflection for married couples. Mark 10:13-16


From the Gospel according to Mark

Mark 10:13-16

People were bringing children to Jesus that he might touch them,

but the disciples rebuked them.

When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them,

“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them,

for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

Amen, I say to you,

whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child

will not enter it.”

Then he embraced the children and blessed them,

placing his hands on them.

The word of the Lord


Are we capable?

Docility is necessary to receive the kingdom of God. This requires becoming spiritually small, seeing our own miseries, and accepting everything that comes in our marriage with a healthy disposition, because nothing escapes the Father’s hands.


Applied to married life:

Natalia: There are situations that happen over and over, in the same way, and we always fall into the same pattern.

Jaime: I’m somewhat afraid to face them because I won’t know how to respond, just as I couldn’t respond in the past, and we will end up getting angry just as we have so many times.

Natalia: What if we live it as a test from the Lord to see if we are capable of loving each other? Let’s focus on that, because it is not a matter of arguing, or being right or wrong. It is a matter of love: forgiving without limits, believing without limits, hoping without limits.

Jaime: Okay. We will accept it as a test to receive the kingdom of God.


Help us to love in the mystery. Praise be to God.a

More Sensitive to the Spirit. Reflection for married couples. Mark 10:1-12


From the Gospel according to Mark

Mark 10:1-12

Jesus came into the district of Judea and across the Jordan.

Again crowds gathered around him and, as was his custom,

he again taught them.

The Pharisees approached him and asked,

“”Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?””

They were testing him.

He said to them in reply, “”What did Moses command you?””

They replied,

“”Moses permitted a husband to write a bill of divorce

and dismiss her.””

But Jesus told them,

“”Because of the hardness of your hearts

he wrote you this commandment.

But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female.

For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother

and be joined to his wife,

and the two shall become one flesh.

So they are no longer two but one flesh.

Therefore what God has joined together,

no human being must separate.””

In the house the disciples again questioned Jesus about this.

He said to them,

“Whoever divorces his wife and marries another

commits adultery against her;

and if she divorces her husband and marries another,

she commits adultery.”

The word of the Lord


More Sensitive to the Spirit.

Christ wants us to look back to the beginning, to contemplate how the soul of man and woman was when God created them and assigned them the grace of holiness through innocence. When their souls were more sensitive to the Spirit and they accepted each other as a gift from God, being free to give themselves and become one flesh. There is nothing more beautiful in creation than the full giving between spouses.


Applied to married life:

Ángeles: As God purifies my soul, I feel more yours, Juan.

Juan: As God purifies my soul, Ángeles, I discover such a beauty in your interior that I don’t consider myself worthy of such a great gift from God.

Ángeles: God’s work in our marriage is wonderful.

Juan: Absolutely. A little walk down La Castellana to enjoy together?

Ángeles: With you, to the end of the world.



May we contemplate the beauty and interior purity that made us one in the beginning, so that, absorbed by such a gift, we may fight for our conjugal holiness with all our strength. Praise be to God our Creator.

Keep drinking. Reflection for married couples. Mark 9:41-50


From the Gospel according to Mark

Mark 9:41-50

Jesus said to his disciples:

“”Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink

because you belong to Christ,

amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward.

“”Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin,

it would be better for him if a great millstone

were put around his neck

and he were thrown into the sea.

If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.

It is better for you to enter into life maimed

than with two hands to go into Gehenna,

into the unquenchable fire.

And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off.

It is better for you to enter into life crippled

than with two feet to be thrown into Gehenna.

And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.

Better for you to enter into the Kingdom of God with one eye

than with two eyes to be thrown into Gehenna,

where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.

“”Everyone will be salted with fire.

Salt is good, but if salt becomes insipid,

with what will you restore its flavor?

Keep salt in yourselves and you will have peace with one another.””

The word of the Lord


Keep drinking. 

We must remain together, with the Lord, like a tree by the riverbank whose roots drink from its water. It is not enough to drink from time to time; we must continue drinking continuously from His side. Because if we, who are Christian spouses, are not in Christ, who will be a witness of His Love? If we call ourselves Christians but do not pass through our union the Nuptial Love of Christ, we do Christ and His Church a disservice, because we will be a scandal. Therefore, we can only be a Christian spouse by remaining in Christ.


Applied to married life: 

Aníbal: I read a phrase in a book: Tell me how your marriage is, and I will tell you how your faith is. Wow! That’s strong, isn’t it, Almudena?

Almudena: It’s strong, but it’s very real. That is what walking in truth is, Aníbal. Aníbal: The truth is that we have no other way of passing our faith than through our marital union. There is no other way, and there is no pretention or deception here. Almudena: As Christians, we are constantly a showcase for our children and the world, and if our union does not convince God, then it will not convince the world. But you, as a husband, I do see you as a good testimony.

Aníbal: And I see the same about you.



At the foot of the Cross, in the Heart of the Lord in the Cenacle, or wiping His feet with our tears, but we you like to be with Jesus, your Son. Praise be forever.

Inscrutable. Reflection for married couples. Mark 9:38-40


From the Gospel according to Mark

Mark 9:38-40

John said to Jesus,

“Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name,

and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us.”

Jesus replied, “Do not prevent him.

There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name

who can at the same time speak ill of me.

For whoever is not against us is for us.”

The word of the Lord



Because of our spirit of domination, we want everyone to do what we do and go where we go. But we must be very careful with judgments towards those who, being of the Church, do not follow us, because the Spirit blows where he would like to blow.


Applied to married life:

Jaime: I’m really sorry, but the catechesis of the Marriage Love Project itinerary is not helping me. I’d like us to change our path.

Almudena: I can’t believe it. They are wonderful! And of tremendous richness.

Jaime: Yes, but I don’t know why, they overwhelm me and they don’t end up helping me. On the other hand, there is a movement of conjugal spirituality that fits more with what I need.

Almudena: Well, I don’t understand it, but out of love for you, I am willing to leave this path and try the one you mention.

Jaime: Thank you, darling. You really love me. Honestly, it’s beyond my strength. Almudena: As long as it is of the Lord, I am willing to do anything. It hurts me, but I am determined.



The paths of the Lord are inscrutable. May we follow Christ and not our method or movement, which are only mediation. Praise be the Lord.