He will humble the proud. Reflection for Marriages. Luke 10:1-12

From the Gospel according to Luke
LK 10:1-12

Jesus appointed seventy-two other disciples
whom he sent ahead of him in pairs
to every town and place he intended to visit.
He said to them,
“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few;
so ask the master of the harvest
to send out laborers for his harvest.
Go on your way;
behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves.
Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals;
and greet no one along the way.
Into whatever house you enter, first say,
‘Peace to this household.’
If a peaceful person lives there,
your peace will rest on him;
but if not, it will return to you.
Stay in the same house and eat and drink what is offered to you,
for the laborer deserves his payment.
Do not move about from one house to another.
Whatever town you enter and they welcome you,
eat what is set before you,
cure the sick in it and say to them,
‘The Kingdom of God is at hand for you.’
Whatever town you enter and they do not receive you,
go out into the streets and say,
‘The dust of your town that clings to our feet,
even that we shake off against you.’
Yet know this: the Kingdom of God is at hand.
I tell you,
it will be more tolerable for Sodom on that day
than for that town.”

Word of the Lord.

He will humble the proud.

It may seem to us that the coming of the Kingdom of God depends on our evangelization, but that is not the case. We try to collaborate so that it may be accepted, but whether it is accepted or not, the Kingdom of God has come to all, humbling the pride of those who do not want to receive it. 
Know that this is so and it is unstoppable. Christ has defeated the evil one, and his days are numbered, measured, and weighed.

Applied to married life:

**Marcos:** Sometimes it’s a bit discouraging that we haven’t yet achieved a true communion between us. It’s a constant struggle, and we have to tread carefully because, at the slightest opportunity, the evil one sneaks in. 
**Laura:** Well… The Lord is stronger. Love always wins, and Christ is always greater, as Saint John Paul used to say. It’s up to us to stay deeply in love with Him, very close to Him, and to persevere in the battle. The rest is in His hands, and we trust Him by faith. 
**Marcos:** Certainly. In Him, we trust. Thank you, my wife.


The Kingdom of God has come. Let us walk with that confidence to keep our hope alive. Praised be He forever.

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