As Part of You. Reflection for marriages. Luke 11:1-4


Lord, teach us to pray
From the Gospel according to Luke. Lk 11, 1-4.
One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”
He said to them, “When you pray, say:
Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. 
Give us each day our daily bread. 
Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. 
And lead us not into temptation”.

The Gospel of the Lord.

As Part of You

We have a very “individualistic” view of prayer, but prayer is always in community. It seems that we address the Father or the Son or the Holy Spirit personally. The reality is that the Father gives us everything through the Son in the Holy Spirit, and all our prayers reach the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit. Our prayer as the Body of Christ, as the Church, is united with Christ’s prayer to the Father and is made possible by the action of the Holy Spirit within us.
In this sense, there are people who do not understand marital prayer because they consider it should be something personal. But we ask ourselves: Is it possible, as spouses who are one, to pray without considering that we are one? Furthermore, is it possible to pray without considering our prayer as part of the prayer of the Church as the Bride, united with the Bridegroom to glorify the Father?
I may physically be alone, but can spiritual individualism exist? Our final destiny is the communion of saints. Let us move in that direction.

Applied to Marriage Life:

Alfred: When I stand before the Lord in prayer, I cannot present myself without considering you, without considering that we are one. Even if you are not by my side. Similarly, how couldn´t I have Jesus in mind when I speak with Mary or the Holy Spirit when I speak with the Father.

Carmel: I love the awareness of our vocation that the Spirit has given you, living marital spirituality in this way. That is something I need to learn. I find it hard to live contemplative prayer while experiencing myself as part of you.


We unite ourselves with Your Son in His priestly prayer when He asks the Father that we may be one as You are one. Praise be to God, one and Triune.

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