Daily Archives: 26 July, 2024

Who Wants Anything Else? Reflection for Married Couples. Matthew 13, 18-23


The man who hears the word and understands it yields a rich harvest
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew 
Mt 13:18-23
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘You are to hear the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the word of the kingdom without understanding, the evil one comes and carries off what was sown in his heart: this is the man who received the seed on the edge of the path. The one who received it on patches of rock is the man who hears the word and welcomes it at once with joy. But he has no root in him, he does not last; let some trial come, or some persecution on account of the word, and he falls away at once. The one who received the seed in thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this world and the lure of riches choke the word and so he produces nothing. And the one who received the seed in rich soil is the man who hears the word and understands it; he is the one who yields a harvest and produces now a hundredfold, now sixty, now thirty.’
The Gospel of the Lord
Who Wants Anything Else?

Although it may be harsh, not everyone understands the Word of the Lord and thus misses out on the kingdom of God here on earth. If they truly understood it, they would not want anything else. Who wants anything else when they discover and know the love of God? It is our mission to bring the Word closer to everyone’s understanding, in a very visual way, grounded in married life, adapted to the maturity of their spiritual ears, and to repeat it and demonstrate it through the testimony of our lives. We must do everything possible to help them understand.

There will, of course, be those who do not want to listen, or who lack patience, or who do not wish to persevere. But despite this, what we sow in the name of the Lord will yield a hundredfold, sixtyfold, or thirtyfold, for the greater glory of God.

Applied to Married Life:

Peter: My problem was that, although the Word of God told me that my wife is the suitable helper He created for me, I thought that must mean something else because I did not see any help in her. All I saw were her flaws. Later, I discovered that the problem was with my perception, and that she was truly a gift from God for me.

Beatrix: I was told that my husband is a precious gift from God to me, and that even the bad in him could be a path for growth as a person and as a couple. I was amazed when they explained this to me, and it seemed wonderful. But then I went back to my daily life and forgot everything. I treated him with disdain for not accepting his faults. I saw him as the bad one. Until one day, I decided I would no longer look at him that way and would try to discover the gift of God in him. By God’s grace, little by little, my heart was purified and my perception changed. We have learned and grown so much together since then.

Peter: Additionally, I was very focused on my business and football. Conversations with my wife seemed like “women’s talk” and I did not pay much attention. Until I realised that she and my relationship with her are the most important things in my life. It is my path to holiness. It is the legacy we will leave to our children. This changed my priorities, and now my marriage comes first, and everything else follows. If she is not well attended to, I do not attend to anything else.

Beatrix: This is how we both began to understand the greatness of our vocation. We discovered how well God had done all things, and we started to learn from each other, to unite against problems, to delve into each other’s hearts. Thus, we began to build a shared intimacy, united with God. We are still discovering the beauty and mysteries of this wonderful sacrament that God has entrusted to us.


In His Word, the Lord gives us the keys to life, holiness, and happiness. Our problem is that we do not want to embrace it. Give us a heart like Yours, which always embraces the Word, meditating on it in the heart, from where both good and bad emerge. Thank you, Lord, for sharing your eternal Wisdom with us. Amen.