Daily Archives: 11 July, 2024

What a “jackpot”. Reflection for marriages Matthew 19 27-29

“Will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.”
From the Gospel according to Matthew 19:27-29
Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?”
 Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit e unternal life.”
The Gospel of the Lord
What a “jackpot.”!
If you want to be rich, immensely rich, we know a system: Come help in the Project for  Conjugal Love. Because this is a ” Project” for the “rich” and, moreover, you will make some very good contacts…
It’s a Project for the “rich” because there are many here who have given up a lot to be able to help marriages and families together with other couples, and all those who give themselves are receiving a hundred times more (you can ask them). 
You also make good contacts, the most influential ones, not because this Project is elitist, which it absolutely isn’t, but because this Project belongs to Mary (first super contact) and I won’t even begin to tell you about the contacts She can introduce you to. 
So, come to the Project for Conjugal LOVE and you’ll hit a big jackpot…
And if you don’t like it, there are many other projects within the Church where you’ll surely “get rich” because they also give you a hundred times more.
Applied to married life:
Alex: Anna, what would you say has come from regularly collaborating with Project for Conjugal love?
Anna: To start with, a huge change in our marriage. A wonderful family of spouses who give themselves with great joy. The luxury of being on the front row witnessing the conversion of hundreds of marriages and people, and the rescue of hundreds of families… And you?
Alex: In addition to what you’ve said, we’ve learned a lot about the truth and greatness of marriage and family. We’ve also met many incredible priests, we’ve grown much closer to Mary and the Lord, we’ve learned to live a Conjugal spirituality in which we share our faith together… And it has helped us integrate more into our parish and collaborate in it, taking advantage of everything we’ve learned and experienced.
Anna: We give many thanks to God, because He has given us much more than a hundredfold.
Alex: Infinite thanks, Lord.
I love being in Your Project. Blessed are you, Mother.