Little but everything. Reflection for marriages Mark 10, 28-31

You will receive in this time a hundred times more, with persecutions, and in the age to come, eternal life.
Reading from the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 10, 28-31
Peter began to say to Jesus,
“We have given up everything and followed you.”
Jesus said, “Amen, I say to you,
there is no one who has given up house or brothers or sisters
or mother or father or children or lands
for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel
who will not receive a hundred times more now in this present age:
houses and brothers and sisters
and mothers and children and lands,
with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come.
But many that are first will be last, and the last will be first.”
The Gospel of the Lord.
Little but everything.
Yes, 100 times more. There is no equal return in the world, but the only condition is to leave everything. And what is most difficult is to leave one’s own honor: to ask for forgiveness for what I have not done, to agree with joy and conviction even if I do not believe the other is right…
Mother, today I come before Your Son, with a full heart, because I have been surrendering my honor for some time now thanks to the Love of His Sacred Heart that you have transmitted to me and that moves me. But do not give me more of this that I receive now because I will explode, and besides, I do not deserve it. I want to continue surrendering my honor but without consolations, and in secret. Only for you. Dispose as you wish of this tiny gesture of love that I make to you and to Him.
Applied to Married Life:
Alberto: Thank you, Mother, because today the Supreme Master has allowed a misunderstanding between my wife and me, and her comments hurt me. Thank you for allowing this poor sinner to adhere to God’s Love for her. I offer this sacrifice for Your free disposal, although I ask that if possible, it may contribute to the salvation of my wife, and if any punishment is due, let it fall on me.
Marta: Thank you, Mother, for the public humiliation that the Supreme Master has allowed me to receive publicly through my husband, which has filled me with so much joy. I offer it to you in case this small contribution might be useful for the greater glory of God, and if You will, especially for the salvation of my husband.
(And the glory of God was filling their hearts a hundred times more)
I am all Yours, Mary. Help me to give you all my smallness. Little but everything. Thank you, Mother.

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