Daily Archives: 31 July, 2024

And joy?. Reflection for Married Couples. Saint Matthew 13, 44-46


Sell everything you have and buy the field
Reading from the holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew 13, 44-46
Jesus said to his disciples:
“The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field,
which a person finds and hides again,
and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant
searching for fine pearls.
When he finds a pearl of great price,
he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.”
Word of the Lord.

And joy?
The Lord gives me many opportunities to live in the Kingdom. To live them, it is necessary to renounce other “treasures,” some even good, although not as good as the one that God has in store for me. That treasure is, of course, Christ, but He presents to me a specific field where I can encounter Him. That field is my marriage. 
But in this Gospel, in which Jesus presents two situations where the Kingdom is lived, He shows me today a common factor between both, and that is joy. 
If I do not live my marriage and the renunciations it entails with joy, it means that I have not truly discovered the treasure, which is the love of Christ among us. It is likely that the only thing I have to “sell” are my miseries, but I must also offer them with joy because He exchanges them for Himself who offers Himself to me.

Grounded in Married Life:
Lucas: Many times you tell me that I do not value you enough.
Sara: It’s just that I don’t feel valued.
Lucas: Well, today, dear wife, I have to agree with you. Because if I really valued you in your true measure, I would give myself to you with joy, because Christ is in you, yet there is no joy in my giving.
Sara: Thank you, husband. But it’s true that I was looking for appreciation towards me, and value is not in me but in Christ.

Thank you for living and showing me the Kingdom of God. Blessed be the Lord.