I know, you love me: Reflection for marriages Luke 18:35-43

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“What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord, please let me see.”

From the Gospel according to Luke 18:35-43

As Jesus approached Jericho a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging,
and hearing a crowd going by, he inquired what was happening. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” He shouted, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!”
The people walking in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent, but he kept calling out all the more, “Son of David, have pity on me!” Then Jesus stopped and ordered that he be brought to him; and when he came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” He replied, “Lord, please let me see.” Jesus told him, “Have sight; your faith has saved you.” He immediately received his sight and followed him, giving glory to God. When they saw this, all the people gave praise to God.

The gospel of the Lord.


I know, you love me.

Confronted with my vulnerability and weakness, that prevent me from doing what I desire and leading me toward actions I wish to avoid, the solution lies in turning to the Lord with a contrite and humble heart, expressing:


‘Jesus, merciful one, have compassion on me. I acknowledge that, on my own, I am unable to reach you; I recognize that by myself, I am unable to love my husband as you love me. I know it is your commandment, and I am aware that I cause him harm and hurt you as well. I have this incapacity. Lord, have compassion on me. Take control of my life, guide my heart to love with Your love, have compassion on me. I know that you love me infinitely, I know you want to unite me to you. I believe and place my trust in Your merciful love. Therefore, I ask and implore you: Have compassion on me, Lord.'”


Applied to married life:

Harry: “Once again, in my attempt to defend myself, I’ve made my wife feel attacked and unappreciated, and that I do not value her efforts. Her precious and sensitive heart has been wounded by my lack of tact. It makes me deeply sad to see her like this, Lord, to witness her suffering because of me. I ask once again, please guide me away from defending myself Lord! What does my image matter? You are the one who is important. What do others’ judgments matter? Only Your judgment, Lord, mattersto me, and I will be judged based on love. What a disastrous deal I’ve just made: trading my honor for my love. When Losing love is the real loss of honor. Have compassion on me, Lord.”


Caroline: “Lord, once again, I’ve insisted on correcting my husband. I am more focused on what he does that I wouldn’t do than, on the good things You do through him, things I fail to recognize or appreciate. Lord, my obsession with avoiding suffering clouds my ability to love my husband. Have compassion on me, Lord.


(And the Lord answered their requests because two hearts of contrite and humble spouses, the Lord does not despise. With a bit of patience, the Lord performs great things through them.)”



The Lord is, above all, full of compassion and mercy. May I always remain humble and aware of my need, Mother. Thank you Lord, for all the love I know you have for me.

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