A “Kit Kat”?. Reflection for marriages. Saint Mark 6:30–34

Gospel of the Day

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 6:30–34

At that time, the apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to Him all they had done and taught.
He said to them:
‘Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest for a while.’
For so many people were coming and going that they did not even have time to eat. So they went away in a boat to a solitary place by themselves.
But many saw them leaving and recognised them, and from all the towns they ran on foot to that place and arrived there ahead of them.
When Jesus disembarked and saw a great crowd, He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And He began to teach them many things.

A “Kit Kat”?

Reading this Gospel, I wonder: What would it be like to rest with Jesus? Would He stop talking about the Kingdom and change the subject to “relax”?
I don’t think Jesus would take a “kit kat” from His mission or His essence as the Saviour. Even in moments of rest, He would still be the Good Shepherd.
Let our priests always remain priests, even in their times of rest. Let us remain Christian spouses, even during our leisure time, and even more so in front of our children.

Applying It to Married Life

Rafa: Lola, are you truly a Christian, or are you just acting like one?
Lola: What kind of question is that, Rafa? Of course, I’m a Christian.
Rafa: Yeah, but in your free time, do you also behave like a Christian wife, or do you only do so when people are watching, in a church setting?
Lola: Well, it’s true that sometimes I don’t behave as I should—but that’s when I fall into temptation and the devil takes over me. But in those moments, it’s not really me; it’s the evil working within me.
Rafa: I’ve realised that there are always spirits influencing us. When we belong to Christ, it’s the Holy Spirit guiding us. But when we don’t, it’s the spirit of evil leading us. But you and I, we belong to Christ—don’t we?


We are spouses of Christ, our Good Shepherd. Praise be to Him forever.


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