From the Gospel according to Luke 11:29-32
While still more people gathered in the crowd, Jesus said to them,”This generation is an evil generation;it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it,except the sign of Jonah.Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites,so will the Son of Man be to this generation.At the judgmentthe queen of the south will rise with the men of this generationand she will condemn them,because she came from the ends of the earthto hear the wisdom of Solomon,and there is something greater than Solomon here.At the judgment the men of Nineveh will arise with this generationand condemn it,because at the preaching of Jonah they repented,and there is something greater than Jonah here.”
The Gospel of the Lord
Prevent from Falling
Saint Ambrose wisely reminds us, “Penance erases sin, and wisdom prevents it.” This insight resonates deeply because—who wouldn’t want to avoid sin? As the Holy Spirit enlightens our understanding, our hearts catch fire, and we begin to delight in the things of the Lord. This process strengthens our will and gradually brings order to our disordered passions. This is the path of purification we explore in the 2nd cycle of catechesis at Proyect for Conjugal Love.
Let us immerse ourselves in the Word, so that the Burning Heart of Jesus may ignite our hearts, allowing us to experience His glory.
Applied to Married Life
Joana: David, how would you feel if you thought I only loved you for my own benefit?
David: I’d feel like you didn’t truly love me, plain and simple.
Joana: Then imagine how the Lord must feel when so many don’t love Him, and most who turn to Him do so only out of self-interest.
David: That must be heartbreaking. He must feel so alone. What can we do to make Him feel truly welcomed?
Joana: We could pray together without asking for anything—just speaking to Him out of love. What do you think?
David: I love that idea. I also think that if He is present in our relationship, He would want us to love each other selflessly.
Joana I completely agree.
David How about this Lent, we commit to doing five small acts of sacrifice for each other each day—without telling the other?
Joana That sounds beautiful.
We long to welcome Your Son and give Him rest in our hearts, just as He finds rest in Yours. Come, Lord, dwell among us.